Welcome to wanypelangi.bs.c, Thank you for your visit. This blog just like my own diaries.I'm writing here just to share what I can't say but I can write. Really, I'm not good in talking yet I love to talk. The words that come out just not good enough and sometimes hurt others. my bad...
- wany c(;.
# :: TerHaru yErk kitE ::
==>Thanks to miss NURHAFIZAH SHAFFRIL kerna begitu menghargai ke'follow'an saya sehingga membuat satu entri istimewa untuk saya.. Wah, terharu gitu.
==>To all bloggers.. sila lah menjenguk ke blog teman baru saya itu. Nice and sweet2 taw bila singgah blog dye. Lagu pun for 'my mummy' gitu. Cik Wany suka sangat2 okeyh! :) yelah, Cik Wany pun suke PELANGI ^__^
==>Sila-sila lah menjenguk blognya.....